Find and read all the latest PandaNYBus Inc reviews from fellow bus travelers. These verified PandaNYBus Inc reviews have been submitted from real customers who booked their PandaNYBus Inc tickets on The customer reviews evaluate PandaNYBus Inc service by rating different aspects such as the bus cleanliness, punctuality, staff and bus comfort.
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Buses are advertised as having wifi, but no one provides you with a code. Everyone pretends they don't know anything about wifi. Please be honest about wifi, as some of us use the long ride to get online work done.
Posted on: 2015-12-14
Depature: New York, NY
Arrival: Atlanta, GA
Name: Dakaris Joyner
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
Posted on: 2015-11-29
Depature: New York, NY
Arrival: Atlanta, GA
Name: Mac
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
1) Toilet extremely hot like a sauna. (2) Toilet light not working. (3) No toilet paper or water in toilet. (4) Floor was very sticky in toilet and by seat number 18 (near window) where I sat.
Posted on: 2015-11-27
Depature: Atlanta, GA
Arrival: New York, NY
Name: Christopher Mart
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
Posted on: 2015-11-22
Depature: New York, NY
Arrival: Greensboro, NC
Name: Brien
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
Posted on: 2015-11-19
Depature: New York, NY
Arrival: Atlanta, GA
Name: M
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
Posted on: 2015-11-19
Depature: New York, NY
Arrival: Atlanta, GA
Name: P
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
PandaNYBus Inc review summary
Total Number of Reviews123
Overall Raiting3.1
Bus Cleanliness3.1
Bus Service & Staff3.3
Bus Comfort2.9
Recommend Yes60.2% is an independent online bus ticketing company that is not involved in any bus operations