Find and read all the latest EastWest/Horserun reviews from fellow bus travelers. These verified EastWest/Horserun reviews have been submitted from real customers who booked their EastWest/Horserun tickets on The customer reviews evaluate EastWest/Horserun service by rating different aspects such as the bus cleanliness, punctuality, staff and bus comfort.
We hope you find them helpful! Find out more about the GotoBus customer reviews program - we look forward to your review!
Happy to always use this Go To Bus services when I’m low on funds and have a quick trip to make. Easy for artist like me who travel for work!
Posted on: 2019-10-04
Depature: Atlanta, GA
Arrival: New York, NY
Name: Dalia
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
Always the easiest and cheapest way to return to Atlanta now that I leave in New York! Normally I would take it the other way around. Been a loyal customer for almost 3 years now.
Posted on: 2017-09-03
Depature: New York, NY
Arrival: Greensboro, NC
Name: Blanca Cicero
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
Posted on: 2017-09-03
Depature: Greensboro, NC
Arrival: New York, NY
Name: Blanca Cicero
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
Posted on: 2017-06-27
Depature: New York, NY
Arrival: Greenville, SC
Name: Nichole
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
Posted on: 2017-06-27
Depature: New York, NY
Arrival: Greenville, SC
Name: Nichole
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
Posted on: 2017-06-27
Depature: Spartanburg, SC
Arrival: New York, NY
Name: Nichole
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
Posted on: 2017-03-30
Depature: Atlanta, GA
Arrival: New York, NY
Name: Denzel Hussein
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
Great with letting me transfer tickets and accommodated for the change difference.
Posted on: 2017-03-30
Depature: New York, NY
Arrival: Atlanta, GA
Name: Denzel Hussein
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
Great service going there. Stopped a few times which was fine by me bud I'm 6'7. So I needed to stretch.
EastWest/Horserun review summary
Total Number of Reviews221
Overall Raiting3.4
Bus Cleanliness3.8
Bus Service & Staff3.6
Bus Comfort3.2
Recommend Yes56.2% is an independent online bus ticketing company that is not involved in any bus operations