Find and read all the latest GD Tour Inc reviews from fellow bus travelers. These verified GD Tour Inc reviews have been submitted from real customers who booked their GD Tour Inc tickets on The customer reviews evaluate GD Tour Inc service by rating different aspects such as the bus cleanliness, punctuality, staff and bus comfort.
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A driver doesn't really speak English language. I tried to show my eticket to him before boarding and he unexpectedly angrily few times sent me to a clerk by applying his hands and angry face - I just wanted to board a bus. So in the end a clerk came out (after I came looking for her few times) and told the bus driver I can board. Thank you,
GD Tour Inc review summary
Total Number of Reviews1982
Overall Raiting4.2
Bus Cleanliness4.0
Bus Service & Staff4.4
Bus Comfort4.1
Recommend Yes94.3% is an independent online bus ticketing company that is not involved in any bus operations