This visually stunning show follows the heroic quest of Long Long, a warm and caring panda, on an adventurous mission to rescue his beloved Peacock Princess from the malicious Demon Vulture, who has kidnapped her on their wedding day. In the face of desperation, Lnog Long seeks counsel from Immortal Old Man, who prepares him for the dangerous mission to save his true love. Featuring high-flying acrobatics from artists of the China National Acrobatic Troupe, sensational Masters from the Shaolin Tmple, birthplace of Kung Fu, stirring music and beautiful dance, this exquisite production transports audiences to a mythical realm of Far Eastern folklore, amidst a backdrop of sensational imagery featuring a massive state of the art multi-layered LED wall. A rescue story, A dream story, A Chinese story, An American story, A story from the entire world.
The Palazzo Theatre (3325 Las Vegas Blvd. South, Las Vegas, NV, 89109
Fri - Tue: 7:30pm
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