Find and read all the latest Hi Bus Inc. reviews from fellow bus travelers. These verified Hi Bus Inc. reviews have been submitted from real customers who booked their Hi Bus Inc. tickets on The customer reviews evaluate Hi Bus Inc. service by rating different aspects such as the bus cleanliness, punctuality, staff and bus comfort.
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This was my second trip on the same route and time and my experience was the same as it was a month ago. The bus was clean and as comfortable as it could be given the smallish seats. The driver was competent and the bus left NYC and arrived in Norfolk on time.
Posted on: 2024-12-08
Depature: New York, NY
Arrival: Norfolk, VA
Name: Dante Payne
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
We were stuck on side of road for 4 hours I had to take taxi rest of the way
Posted on: 2024-12-07
Depature: Salisbury, MD
Arrival: New York, NY
Name: Michael
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
Posted on: 2024-12-06
Depature: New York, NY
Arrival: Dover, DE
Name: Tamika
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
I always recommend it to others
Posted on: 2024-12-06
Depature: Norfolk, VA
Arrival: New York, NY
Name: Ying Yeng
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
Posted on: 2024-12-05
Depature: New York, NY
Arrival: Norfolk, VA
Name: ye
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
Posted on: 2024-12-05
Depature: New York, NY
Arrival: Hampton, VA
Name: Stephanie Carter
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
This bus is no good. I’m still on the bus and not supposed to been in Virginia since 12:00 AM but we can’t go over the bridge so I’m stuck on the bus.
Posted on: 2024-12-04
Depature: Norfolk, VA
Arrival: New York, NY
Name: yewen
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
Posted on: 2024-12-03
Depature: Norfolk, VA
Arrival: New York, NY
Name: Zf
Star ratings:
Bus Cleanliness:
Service & Staff:
I recommend this bus!
Hi Bus Inc. review summary
Total Number of Reviews5918
Overall Raiting4.3
Bus Cleanliness4.2
Bus Service & Staff4.5
Bus Comfort4.1
Recommend Yes75.2% is an independent online bus ticketing company that is not involved in any bus operations