Operates on: Mons (year round)
Departs from: New York
Inclusions: 1 Night hotel. Round trip transportation from New York City. Maid of the Mist cruise (seasonal). Finger Lakes (one of the premier wine producing areas). Niagara Falls
Passengers without visa for Canada will miss the walking tour in the evening to the Canadian side of the Falls.
Inclusions: 1 Night hotel. One-way grand transportation from New York City. Airfare from Buffalo or Rochester to New York. Maid of the Mist cruise (seasonal). Finger Lakes. Niagara Falls
Passengers without visa for Canada will miss the walking tour in the evening to the Canadian side of the Falls.
Operates on: Sats (year round)
Departs from: New York
Inclusions: 1 Night hotel. Round trip transportation from New York City. Air and Space Museum. Lincoln, Vietnam and the Korean War memorials. White House. Arlington National Cemetery. Marine Corps War Memorial. National Museum of the American Indian Details
Operates on: Weds (May-Oct)
Departs from: New York
Inclusions: 2 Nights hotel. Round trip transportation from New York City. Maid of the Mist cruise (seasonal). Toronto city tour. 1,000 Island Cruise (seasonal). Finger Lakes. Niagara Falls
Operates on: Sats (year round)
Departs from: New York
Inclusions: 3 Nights hotel. Round trip transportation from New York City. Maid of the Mist cruise (seasonal). Finger Lakes. Niagara Falls. Washington DC
Passengers without visa for Canada will miss the walking tour in the evening to the Canadian side of the Fall.
Operates on: Weds (May - Oct)
Departs from: New York
Inclusions: 4 Nights hotel. Round trip transportation from New York City. Maid of the Mist cruise (seasonal). 1000 Island Cruise (seasonal). Finger Lakes. sightseeing tour of Washington D.C., upstate New York, Niagara Falls and Toronto